VIDEO TRANSCRIPT: Every breast augmentation patient should ask, "Will I need to have my breast implants replaced?"
And the answer to that is, most likely, yes.
We think of breast implants as devices that require maintenance, not permanent devices. Implants are most often replaced for what we call "capsular contracture" which is formation of scar tissue around the implant, implant rupture or deflation, or for cosmetic revision. So, I think it is important that any woman considering implant placement realize that a maintenance process typically more than one procedure is likely.
The current techniques and current implants may decrease the frequency of implant replacement. For example, better quality implants may have a lower rupture rather than previous generation implants. They may encapsulate at a lower rate than previous implants. Certain other materials, such as the use of what we call acellular dermal allograft in the setting of someone who has already had encapsulation may decrease subsequent encapsulation.
So, a variety of currently available techniques and newer implants may decrease the frequency of implant replacement. Nevertheless, implants should be considered temporary devices that require replacement over the course of one's lifetime.
I'm Dr. Jay Orringer at The Renaissance Medical Center For Aesthetic Surgery if you have questions regarding this procedure, or any other plastic surgical procedure, please feel free to contact us at 310-273-1663 or visit our website at