VIDEO TRANSCRIPT: The top questions you should ask your breast reconstructive surgeon include:
"What are the options for me?"
"And of those options, what is the most relevant?"
"What is the most optimal for my health and my particular situation?"
It's also important to know the background of your reconstructive surgeon. Does he or she have experience in the various types of reconstruction? For example, use of one's own tissue, not just the use of implants. An implant may be an excellent option. By the same token, it's important to know the option of use of your own tissues, for example, what we call DIEP flaps, where we transfer tissue using microsurgical techniques from the abdomen to the chest to make a new breast, and a woman whose body build may be optimal for that particular choice.
I'm Dr. Jay Orringer at The Renaissance Medical Center For Aesthetic Surgery if you have questions regarding this procedure, or any other plastic surgical procedure, please feel free to contact us at 310-273-1663 or visit our website at