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Gynecomastia Treatment in Beverly Hills

Also serving patients in Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Hollywood, Newport Beach, and Northern California, as well as nationally and internationally.

Enlarged male breasts, a condition called gynecomastia, are much more common than many people realize. In fact, approximately 40-60% of the male population may experience this condition. Gynecomastia can often result in feelings of self-consciousness, particularly in situations which involve removal of the shirt. Fortunately, this problem can often be significantly improved with an out-patient procedure.

Dr. Jay Orringer can perform a male breast reduction procedure to address gynecomastia. You can learn more about your options by speaking with Dr. Orringer in person. Please contact our Beverly Hills office to schedule a consultation.

Gynecomastia Beverly Hills

What Is Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia is a condition associated with excess male breast tissue. It often develops during puberty and in many instances, goes away on its own by your early 20s. However, the condition will persist for some men throughout their lives.

There are several potential causes of gynecomastia:

  • Hormonal changes
  • Weight gain
  • Heredity
  • Medications and drugs, including steroids and heavy use of marijuana
  • Dietary supplements
  • Health conditions such as kidney or liver failure, tumors, and hypogonadism
  • In many instances the cause is never apparent

Am I a Candidate for Gynecomastia Surgery?

Before deciding whether gynecomastia surgery is right for you, it is important to make sure your condition is not related to the use of certain medications or another health issue. In some instances, treatment of a health problem or discontinuing the use of a supplement or medication may potentially correct the condition without the need for surgery.

In addition, if you are overweight, you may want to improve your diet and exercise regimen before considering surgery. Often, the condition may be significantly improved by achieving and maintaining a healthier body weight.

If these factors are not causing your gynecomastia, then you may be a good candidate for a male breast reduction procedure. In addition, ideal candidates:

  • Are in good overall health
  • Are not significantly overweight
  • Have realistic expectations regarding the outcome of the procedure
  • Have good skin elasticity

Your Male Breast Reduction Procedure

During your male breast reduction procedure, Dr. Orringer will remove excess fat and often glandular tissue in order to potentially achieve a more masculine appearance of the chest. Depending upon your specific situation, your gynecomastia surgery may include one or more of the following techniques:

  • Liposuction
  • Surgical excision of glandular tissue
  • Removal of excess skin

Why Choose Dr. Orringer?

Dr. Orringer is a double board certified plastic surgeon with more than 25 years of experience performing male breast reduction procedures. He is very sensitive to the self-consciousness that you may experience from this condition, and he will provide you with compassionate care that respects your privacy and individual concerns during the process.

Please cal 310-273-1663 to contact Dr. Jay Orringer at The Renaissance Medical Center for Aesthetic Surgery, Inc. to schedule your gynecomastia consultation today. We serve patients in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, and Hollywood, California, nationally, and internationally.

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Contact UsPlease contact Dr. Jay Orringer for more information, or to schedule a consultation.

“Dr. Orringer, you surpassed my expectations, and those I was afraid to hope for. The result is something I never dreamt could be. You have changed my life in so many ways. I cannot express in...

“Your office is the happiest place on earth.  Thank you for making me feel beautiful and special throughout my transformation.  Thank you for giving me peace-of-mind and helping to transform me...

“When you think all doors are closed, God opens a secret door no one knew existed,” Dr. Jay Orringer was that secret door for me. He worked miracles in my complex breast cancer case, saving my life and correcting the mistakes of other doctors. Dr. Orringer is a compassionate, skilled healer with a loving heart. He's truthful and honest, delivering results beyond imagination. In the operating room, during recovery, and throughout hospitalization, he advocates for you.