VIDEO TRANSCRIPT: So, patients will ask, "How much follow-up care is actually required for a particular cosmetic surgery procedure?"
The answer to that question is, it really depends upon the nature of the procedure and the progress of the patient.
But, routinely in my practice, I will want to see a patient within the first two days of her procedure. I will then typically see her again later that week, often the following week. And then, at weekly or every-other-week intervals for the first month or two.
Again, depending on how she feels and how I feel she's doing, I may see her more frequently or she may not need to come in as often. But, what is really important is that she feels she's making good progress, and that I'm content with what I'm seeing.
In terms of scar care, which I think is an important issue for any patient, I really like to see the patient more frequently early on so that we can begin scar care often after the first three to four weeks beginning some type of silicone scar treatment. There are silicone strips which can be applied to breast scars and abdominal scars. There's silicone topical gels that can be applied to facial scars, for example, even to breast and abdominal scars. To some degree, it is the treatment that is most convenient for the patient. But, I do feel that some form of consistent topical scar care may provide flatter scars, and perhaps scars with a more aesthetic appearance in a shorter period of time.
I'm Dr. Jay Orringer at The Renaissance Medical Center For Aesthetic Surgery if you have questions regarding this procedure, or any other plastic surgical procedure, please feel free to contact us at 310-273-1663 or visit our website at